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Regardless if you have one facility or are a global enterprise, Zontec's Synergy statistical process control (SPC) software product line has a product that meets the needs of your organization. Zontec also believes that to get a comprehensive, real-time view of your enterprise worldwide, you need to monitor and to view SPC data from not only other locations but also suppliers as well.
In its 2012-2013 Quality Management Survey, LNS Research found that companies who capture SPC supplier data outperform those that do not. "With a mean Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) of 89% versus 76%, companies leveraging statistical analysis software for acquiring and analyzing supplier quality data in real-time are outperforming those without the capacity. Interestingly, the companies with this capacity not only have a higher OEE rate, these organizations also experience far less variability in performance, with the top 50% of respondents at or above 89% and only dropping as low as 78%. In comparison to the other end of the spectrum, companies without real-time capabilities have far more erraticism in performance."
LNS also found that:
To minimize both the financial and reputational impacts of quality issues, companies are working continuously working to identify and resolve issues closer to their source
Pure-play SPC software provides a quick and cost-effective means to deploy SPC across the enterprise worldwide, through the use of cloud-based Web portals, throughout the supplier network
Improving operational efficiencies, SPC can also benefit a variety of business performance metrics first pass yield, cost of quality, on-time and complete shipments, products in compliance, and others
Click the title to download your own copy of the LNS Spotlight Research Report "Enabling Real-Time Quality Management with Enterprise-Wide SPC".
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