76 E MAIN ST STE 5-6 HUNTINGTON, NY 11743 Get Directions
76 E MAIN ST STE 5-6 HUNTINGTON, NY 11743 Get Directions
In the early days we were very excited about the potential the Internet had to change the way business was done. The idea that you could store information in one place and easily access to it anywhere changed the world and we wanted to be a part of it.
We jumped straight in and by the early 2000’s were building mission critical applications for a multi billion dollar company CA, Inc (formerly Computer Associates) and also working with a range of significant UK based organizations in the private and public sector.
As much as we learned in those early days we reached the conclusion in about 2004 that whilst building web and business applications to order was a great business model there was a real opportunity to start putting what we had learned back in the center and build out our own technology platform.
For the next six years (with an equal mix of creativity and naivety) we set about developing an online business platform. This platform contained all the components needed to support all areas of online business from content management to ecommerce, communications, CRM, financial management, online calendars, helpdesk management – you name it we built it.
But as we are fond of saying these days – less can be more. We realized that in all the development, learning, evolving and improving there was one truly special thing at the heart of everything we had learned over the years. Something that was so unique as to set us apart us apart from any other business in the world today.
Webinfinity – the idea that if you can deeply understand and manage content, data, user profiles and amazing user experience in equal measure you can create a kind of online magic – unique, personal websites and workspaces that build themselves based on an exponentially complex set of rules and combinations (OK not infinite but some seriously big numbers!)
So here we are in 2014, a new brand and focus but with the same passion to embrace the extraordinary opportunities and adventures we have as part of this ever changing online industry.
We are very proud of who we are, where we came from, what we have learned and what we have now become.
Thanks for taking the time to learn more about our company and who knows, maybe one day you will become part of our story.
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