8980 BROOK ROAD MCLEAN, VA 22102 Get Directions
8980 BROOK ROAD MCLEAN, VA 22102 Get Directions
Who is TeamAfrica? We are everyday people like you. Our group is comprised of people from every walk of life and from states across the country. We've got students, a rancher from OK, a PreSchool Director, a PGA Golf Professional, a government contractor, a small business owner from VA, the Director of Video for one of the largest newpapers in the US, Office Managers, a Senior Pastor, a Music Director and an accountant. We've been working in Zimbabwe since 2004 and most of the Team members have been on multiple trips; some will be making their 8th trip in March 2011. All of the TeamAfrica members pay for our own airfare each trip. No one draws a paycheck from the organization; we donate our time and money and we hold fundraisers to raise money for the next project.
Why? Because we see a people in a country that no one wants to work with. We see kids without an education, without the basic necessities of life, and we want to help. The return on our investment is more than money can buy. We have developed close friendships with people in a small village on another continent! How cool is that?
Buy A Brick needs You, and You, and You! We are a grass roots foundation of 15 members and we can't implement change fast enough - we need to grow and diversify. And we'd like to invite you to join our team. Buy a brick or a whole block and help us to continue building up the next generation in a land that needs so much help.
We are a faith-based group of people, an arm of Providence Worldwide Ministries, with a common goal to serve a community in dire need. In June 2004, we went to Zimbabwe, Africa for the first time, and found just what we were looking for. And then some...
We are all volunteers. We donate our time and money on the projects and we pay all our own expenses to get there. We hold fundraisers through our local Church and rely on the support of our friends.
100% of all donations goes to the fund the projects. No one is paid to run TeamAfrica or this foundation. Our Team is paid in ways that money can't buy and our rewards are huge.
Our construction projects are run by Zims. Using project managers who literally speak the language and know the ropes ensures that the projects are kept up to safety standards and meet all required regulations.
We've got the passion, knowledge, and the experience on the ground in Zimbabwe and we work year-round with them planning future projects. We are committed to a long-term relationship with the community of the Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
Please donate today! $10 buys a brick; the smiles come free.
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