Priority 1 Ministries is a Christ-focused, Bible-based, interdenominational short-term mission's ministry providing cross-cultural urban (inner-city) and international mission trips for born-again youth through adults who have a sincere desire to assist with the greatest "search and rescue" plan in history. God's plan is that "the gospel must first be preached to all nations" (Mark 13:10) before Jesus Christ returns and this is what Priority 1 is all about. Reaching the World for Jesus Christ is Priority 1!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Our MissionPriority 1 Ministries seeks to disciple, prepare, and challenge born-again youth and adults through ministry opportunities: that will provide training, encourage them to cultivate a more intimate walk with the Lord, and enlarge their missionary vision; to serve the Lord in a missionary setting; and, to seek every available means of leading people of all ages to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ministry ProfileTraining and disciplining Christ-followers to go into all the world and share the hope of the gospel is done through short-term international missions (both youth and adult) and urban outreach teams. These trips are not only to reach the lost but to also challenge and encourage participants to be life-long disciples of Christ.Previous participants have given testimony that Priority 1 gives young people an opportunity to make an eternal difference in the world now, and gives adults a second chance for God's call on their life. Many adults feel they have missed God's best for their lives, and now have opportunity to make a difference. People are able to realize that God wants to and can use them if they make themselves available to Him. The Body of Christ has many gifts and God wants to use those gifts because they all are needed in some way everywhere around the world. God does not look for ability as much as He looks for availability.
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