6105 W ST JOE HWY STE 204 LANSING, MI 48917 Get Directions
6105 W ST JOE HWY STE 204 LANSING, MI 48917 Get Directions
MMAP (pronounced "map") is a free counseling service for Medicare/Medicaid beneficiaries and their caregivers. Since 1984, MMAP has provided education and counseling assistance to Michigan's Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries and their families or representatives.
MMAP is funded by a grant from the Michigan Office of Services to the Aging through funding received from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Medicare agency and a grant from the Administration on Aging, and is not affiliated with the insurance industry. Nationally, this program is called the State Health Assistance Program (SHIP).
MMAP's Objective
MMAP, Inc. is a free health-benefit counseling service. Our goal is to help you find your way through the health benefits maze. MMAP accomplishes its mission through MMAP sites housed in regional Area Agencies on Aging, County Departments on Aging, Senior Services Agencies, Commissions on Aging and other similar organizations located throughout Michigan
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