21 W FRONT ST TRENTON, IL 62293 Get Directions
21 W FRONT ST TRENTON, IL 62293 Get Directions
Wisper is based in the Shiloh/ Belleville area. Our privately held company was started in the October of 2003, where it operated out of Nathan Stooke?s garage. In September 2006, the 2 car garage, which was stacked with equipment and supplies like a James Bond Leatherman Tool, could no longer facilitate the 16 employees, and the operations of a company supporting nearly 2500 customers. Wisper moved it?s operation into a run down barn, that the employees renovated and restored after hours on their own time. The facilities include 1800 square feet of office space, 3200 square feet of clean shop, and is often inadvertently referred to as home to many of the employees of Wisper.
Currently Wisper employees 22 devoted people, who will each testify that they are a very close knitted team. Each person brings a unique contribution and level of expertise. Customer Service is the foundation of Wisper?s business, and is made possible by automated intelligent solutions, created in house by Wisper employees who are some of the most experienced and skilled technicians in the industry. The management structure of the company is based the expertise of the Director of Operations, who has extensive experience in the aviation industry. Aviation requires the highest standards in the world, and is dependant on quality, efficiency and accountability. Wisper's procedures are done ?by the book?, and would be clearly recognized by aviation professionals if they were to take a stroll through Wisper?s facilities.
Taking advantage of it?s extensive and reliable network, Wisper has expanded its range of services by integrating many other technologies and creating a complete solutions for both business and residential clients. The range of solutions that Wisper has developed has landed us contracts with many of the largest builders in the area. Our list of clients also includes multiple City, County and Federal government agencies, in addition to largest health care organization in STL. Wisper now exceeds 65 tower and access points though out St. Clair County, and another 80 throughout Madison, Bond, Monroe, Clinton, St. Louis, and St. Charles counties. In comparison to other wireless providers in the St. Louis region, Wisper is larger than all of it?s competitors combined, in both number of clients and Access Points.
Most everyone is fascinated with the accelerated growth, control and success that Wisper has achieved in such a short period of time. Everyone except the people of Wisper, who had it planned all along. The interesting thing for most, will be to watch and see what Wisper has in plan for the future.
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