1011 BRICK CHIMNEY RD P.O BOX 914 GEORGETOWN, SC 29440 Get Directions
1011 BRICK CHIMNEY RD P.O BOX 914 GEORGETOWN, SC 29440 Get Directions
Across the United States, an estimated two million children have at least one parent who is incarcerated. Statistics show that children of prisoners are at higher risk for a slew of emotional and behavioral problems. These young people are six times more likely to be incarcerated at some point during their lives.
The Amachi Initiative partners faith-based organizations with public agencies and nonprofit service providers to identify the children of prisoners and match them with caring adult volunteers. Amachi incorporates program infrastructure and expertise developed by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBS), which has overseen screening, matching training of mentors, and provides mechanisms for monitoring and supporting matches.
Amachi influences young lives, improving prospects for the future and reducing crime and incarceration in years to come.
Carolina Human Reinvestment has created a program that improves the chances of success for ex-offenders. It provides and overview of prisoner reentry, community planning, the weed and seed strategy, and how AmeriCorps* VISTA members and other national service member can help.
Ex-Offenders often return to their community the same way they went into prison: lacking adequate education, with little or no access to labor markets, and with few connections to positive social support networks. They are likely to experience addiction, mental illness, domestic violence, and a myriad of other challenges that can contribute to an increased likelihood of return to criminal activity, arrest and reincarceration. Weed and Seed sites offer a comprehensive community planning approach to develop a five-year plan to 'weed out' crime and 'seed in' prevention, treatment, and community restoration. National service participants, including AmeriCorps* VISTA members, can be an important art of an effective reentry strategy. While AmeriCorps* VISTA members do not provide direct service, they are instrumental in areas that strengthen a program's infrastructure capacity and sustainability.
Carolina Human Reinvestment serves individuals, ex-offenders and families living with substance abuse and recovery issues in Georgetown, Horry and Williamsburg Counties. This effort is accomplished through providing continuum of care services; Mentoring Programs; Community Awareness Classes and Faith-Based Counseling and seminars.Our culturally relevant services are organized within three major components:
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