2330 CURTIS WAY BOWLING GREEN, KY 42104 Get Directions
2330 CURTIS WAY BOWLING GREEN, KY 42104 Get Directions
GSYS Military Products LLC (GMP LLC) is a "women owned minority" advanced highway safety & "Human Factors" conscience business. Mrs. Diana Adams is President and majority owner. Gerald DeCosta is the Chief Financial Officer and a minority owner. Pat Suiter,Director of Global Distribution responsibilities will focus primarily on eWarehousing & logistics. Colonel C. Donzell Moody, US Army(Retired) our new Chief Operations Officer will oversee the day-to-day business and work directly with military procurement personnel. John Chalfant,Vice President of GMP LLC has been selected to direct long term production and product enhancement needs. Christopher Jack Adams, company's Chairman and Founder will continue to spearhea dmarketing, product testing, evaluation and integration with the USARMY TACOM LCMC (completed testing May 2007) and commercial fleet owners . GMP LLC will continue forging new alliances within the U.S. military TWV space further influencing the use of CoverHaul18® and future ancillary applications that address driver warning, communications, heavy vehicle lighting systems and security applications for our Warfighter(s) in a global theater GMP LLC's current program will be supported by the best in their fields. Key Electronics, (Jeffersonville, Indiana), Molding Resources, LLC (Florence Kentucky),CDC Technologies Inc., (Centerville, Ohio) and THE HALL COMPANY (Urbana, Ohio). Product warehousing and global distribution matrix will be managed by The Fulfillment Advantage Warehouse team located in Russellville, Kentucky. AR Design, a communication protocol and standard developer (Springfield, Illinios) our RattWorks™ team complete GMP LLCs long/short range vehicle system integration goals.
Legislative effort proposed to the House of Ways and Means titled: HR.2024, COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE ADVANCED SAFETY TECHNOLOGY TAX ACT OF 2009 and its companion bill (Senate Bill introduced in 2009) S.1582 both allow fleet(s) tax incentives and other financial rewards for use of this type of technology. April 22, 2009 the 111th Session of Congress has introduced the HR 2024 Commercial Motor Vehicle Advanced Safety Tax Act of 2009 led by Congressman Mike Thompson of California and Co-sponsored by Congressman Geoff Davis of Kentucky. The American Trucking Association (ATA) and the Federal Motor Carrier Saftey Administration (CVSA) on June 10, 2010 both announced their endorsement for this legislation.
Mike Hall, Chairman, Barry Cannon, Vice Chairman and Jamie Fiepke, President/CEO of the Kentucky Motor Transport Association (KMTA) supports the use of "Coverhaul18®" and has been tested locally by Dennis Ingram, President of Ingram Brothers Trucking a KMTA Board of Director member. This consortium of companies based both locally and Indiana are dedicated to developing useful and innovative products that address both military and commercial heavy vehicle transportation safety requirements. Our efforts to promote safety on our nations highways are further assured by the participation of Kentucky legislator(s) Senator David Givens, Senator Ernie Harris and Congressman Brett Guthrie.
Don Hayden, President of M&M Cartage, Co., Inc located in Louisville, Ky has been "pilot testing" the technology with great success. We anticipate M&M and Coretrans taking the lead role in our "Early Adopter" program and look forward to others in the industry joining our product launch effort.
GMP LLC anticipates early adoption of technology by military and commercial fleet operations by late 2012 .
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