8429 WASHINGTON PL NE B ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87113 Get Directions
8429 WASHINGTON PL NE B ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87113 Get Directions
CEI, Inc. is the legal corporate name for Communication, Engineering and Installation. We offer an array of installation products, engineering products and materials provisioning.Founded in 1985, soon after Judge Green broke up AT&T, to service the telecommunication industry and primarily then named US West, CEI has since traveled the width and breadth of the United States serving numerous companies within this industry.Over the past years, our service sites have spanned the United States, from Hawaii to New England, Washington to Florida. CEI stands prepared to assist our customers in a vast array of equipment and engineering needs.CEI, Inc. is an employee owned corporation headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with offices in San Antonio, Texas and Colorado Springs, Colorado.CEI performs the following types of installations:Telecomm Central Office (CO) Commercial Premise WiringOutside PlantProject ManagementSurveillance/SecurityAccess ControlRCDD Design ServicesConsulting*****Endoresements:Gina Magsombol, CSC, "Also, the team wanted me to let you know that your tech [Max] at Albuquerque \rocked'! So, please pass on the message!" Marv Dubois, Cisco, "He [Marv] told his boss it was one of the best BTS/MGX installations he has seen." Hugo Costa Jr., Mesilla Valley Regional Dispatch Authority"I know that I am a very demanding customer...with that said, let me say that I felt this install went very well and I am extremely satisfied with the work done by you and your team."
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