373 RIVERCHASE BLVD CRESTVIEW, FL 32536 Get Directions
373 RIVERCHASE BLVD CRESTVIEW, FL 32536 Get Directions
I would like to take this time to introduce you to Eagle Cleaning, LLC, and would like to share with you some important information about our company.At Eagle Cleaning LLC, we believe in forming partnerships with our clients. We understand how busy you are, and know that you should not have to worry about your cleaning service. Webelieve that by providing unsurpassed cleaning services we will not only help you in keeping your customers coming back, but will increase morale and well being of your employees. Eagle Cleaning LLC also shares in your security, environmental, and safety concerns. As a military veteran I have had an active secret Security clearance with the United States Air Force, and understand the importance of maintaining any security concerns you may have. All employees are trained in security systems, are required to carry valid identification, and wearcompany uniforms. Each employee has passed a thorough background investigation performed by Choice Point. Management also works right alongside with any employee. Weabide by all OSHA regulations, and will also abide by all of your individual company guidelines.All cleaning products we supply will have current MSDS sheets available. Eagle Cleaning LLC prides itself on being a "one call for it all" company. We are able to provide all of your cleaning needs; floors, windows, carpets, etc. We also have the ability to providebuilding maintenance for a separate nominal fee.
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