15555 SILVER PKWY FENTON, MI 48430 Get Directions
15555 SILVER PKWY FENTON, MI 48430 Get Directions
Over 30,000 people have recommended their friends and family to seek dental care at our office over the last nearly 30 years. We are proud of that accomplishment and it means a lot to you the patient. It means that you can choose this practice with confidence in the experience and long established track record of success in the treatment of oral health issues. This is demonstrated by our having been firmly established in one community since 1985. We are here to serve you at a reliable high level of technical competence, in a great environment, with the most modern state of the art services in a cost effective manner. We would be pleased to see you and your family as well. We are always happy to welcome new patients. We see emergencies same day - Period. We see emergencies as soon as possible - Period. We do this because we care about our patients and we care when you have dental pain. You will not be sent away...
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