4008 N GRIMES #733 HOBBS, NM 88240 Get Directions
4008 N GRIMES #733 HOBBS, NM 88240 Get Directions
About Divine Wireline Solutions
Divine, opened in May 2013, has been developed from over 14 years of personal experience, as well as our staff's combined 25+ years of experience in wireline. We bring the best in safety, service, and options to the industry.
We provide honest, quality service and equipment, as well as extensive safety training, options, and solutions to your wireline issues.
About Our President, David Macatee
David, a native of Lea County, has worked for varied companies in the oil and gas industry, including Weatherford, E&P Wireline, Renegade Services, Gray Wireline, and Computalog. He also has law enforcement experience, having worked with the New Mexico Department of Public Safety, the Lovington Police Department, and the Lea County Correctional Facility.
He has participated in various training exercises, including "Radiation Safety" and "40 Hr. Explosives for Well-Logging Supervisors"; the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance's DOT Inspection, Hazmat, and Tanker training; a sales and customer relations seminar; a preparatory course for certified safety professionals; a primary leadership development course; and the Army National Guard's Sergeants' Academy.
In addition to his 14 years of wireline experience, he has three years of truck running experience; he is proficient in the Warrior Logging System, having used it since 2006; he has a strong reputation for increasing companies' revenue; and he is "extremely accurate and detailed in report writing."
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