6670 NW 114TH AVE APT 628 DORAL, FL 33178 Get Directions
6670 NW 114TH AVE APT 628 DORAL, FL 33178 Get Directions
Visulate maintains records for over 8,000,000 properties and 1,700,000 companies in Florida. Enter a street address in the search box then press search. Visulate finds the coordinates of that address then looks for nearby real estate and companies. It displays a map showing the location along with properties and companies within 150 meters. Real estate and company records are accessed by clicking on the map pins or search results. Real estate records include usage details, size, building features and sales history for real estate in every Florida county. Most of the real estate reports include links to the county's Property Appraiser website along with a drill down report that shows other properties that belong to the same owner. Real estate reports provide market and income valuation estimates. Visulate has estimates for the rental income, expenses, NOI and cap rate for every property in Florida. It displays these as a pro-forma income statement. A drill down link from the income statement allows the user to edit these values to perform "what if" analysis and estimate cashflow.
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