1000 BRYN MAWR RD CARLISLE, PA 17013 Get Directions
1000 BRYN MAWR RD CARLISLE, PA 17013 Get Directions
Through our longevity we’ve learned many things, but most important is that we couldn’t be where we are without you. Because of that, we have several resolutions we aim to follow in 2012. We promise to continue our commitment and tradition of being one of the MOST respected leaders in the automotive hobby. Further, community involvement is very important to us and we will continue to be a responsible and active member of the communities in which we operate. Also, we’ll continue to craft and preserve the best event experience possible for our attendees at all events. As part of giving you a spectacular experience, we like to maintain an open ear policy. When you speak we listen and we’ll continue to do so, implementing our guests' suggestions whenever and wherever possible. Finally, we understand that change is a natural part of life. Since our gates opened in 1974 there has been a lot of change in the automotive field. At the same time, we also recognize tradition. Simply put, we will do our best to embrace the evolution of our industry while also respecting and honoring the traditions that make what we do so popular.
Keep in mind a few things going forward: Before you know it, the early parts of 2012 will transition quickly into late April and Spring Carlisle will be upon us. Right now, we’re diligently handling vendor renewals and open booking is underway.
Seven of our 10 events utilize Gate-N-Go. For each event, sans Bike, Spring and Fall, you can pre-register and receive your credentials well in advance and have them conveniently delivered to your mailbox. Click through to our registration page and register for the event(s) of your choice. While there, you can also purchase a season pass. Either way, you’ll save time and money by planning ahead.
In the meanwhile, continue to visit our web site for updates to the season. You may also consider subscribing to one of our many e-mail newsletters. This will keep the news coming your way on a monthly basis and also give you a heads up when we have changes to our schedule.
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