1268 MISSOURI ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107 Get Directions
1268 MISSOURI ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107 Get Directions
Blueprint Genetics is (BpG) a genetic information and sequencing technology company. Our mission is to develop and provide new technologies and diagnostic tools for the growing clinical genetic diagnostics market. We have further developed a novel targeted sequencing technology, oligonucleotide-selective sequencing, OS-SeqâÂ�?¢ into a powerful comprehensive diagnostic tool providing higher sequencing quality, decreased costs and faster turn-around-time when comparing to other existing technologies. The prototype of this technology was developed at Stanford University and published in Nature Biotechnology in 2011 (Myllykangas et al., 2011). Since 2102 our team of clinicians, bioinformaticians, geneticists and DNA biologists has built a diagnostic pipeline including OS-Seq, customized bioinformatics and clinical interpretation with comprehensive statements. Our proof-of-concept pipeline targets all hereditary cardiovascular diseases and was brought to market in fall 2013. Our Helsinki headquarters are now providing diagnostics for over 90 hospitals and clinics in 15 countries around the world. Over 1500 patient cases were analyzed and interpreted at BpG during 2014. Our current R&D is focusing on the development of amplification (amp) free OS-Seq, copy number variant analysis with amp-free OS-Seq and establishing the medical genome by OS-Seq technology. Blueprint Genetics is opening sales in United States in 2015 . Our other missions for 2015 are to expand the diagnostic portfolio and bring to the market the first amp-free diagnostic products. Website: www.blueprintgenetics.com.
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