2213 E. PIONEER DR. IRVING, TX 75061 Get Directions
2213 E. PIONEER DR. IRVING, TX 75061 Get Directions
About Arbor Carpet Inc:
Who we are:
As a leader in floor coverings for the multifamily industry since 1982, Arbor Contract Carpet Inc has the experience and resources to expertly deliver on your flooring needs. More importantly, we recognize that happy clients are integral to our success. To that end, we strive to build long-term relationships with each client, asking questions and listening to fully understand not only your flooring needs but your business objectives. Whether you need carpet, vinyl, plank, tile or hardwood, for replacement or for new construction, we aim to be your trusted advisor on smart flooring solutions.
With our attention to client service, Arbor quickly became the provider of choice for clients from coast to coast. These satisfied clients continue to utilize Arbor for our superior consultative commitment and pass our name along to some of their closest contacts. They count on Arbor representatives as trusted advisors who always bring the best in flooring resources, efficiency and creativity to the table.
It's all in the Service:
Our business is built on our commitment to providing the utmost customer service found anywhere in our industry. We truly are customer-centric, and have measures in place that ensure our continued improvment in delivering products and services that meet our clients' needs, while always point them in the right direction. Our proven consultative approach to doing business with our clients has lead to very happy customers. In short, Arbor is commited to learning everything it can about your business in order to develop solutions that make sense.
We care, and so do our Clients:
Arbor has a strong commitment to being innovative in its every day operations. A huge part of what we strive to do is commited towards reducing our impact and keeping our environment top of mind. Arbor has developed strong working relationships with recycling companies in order to ensure proper disposal of our clients' carpet waste. Believe it our not, we are so commited to these efforts that we offer these services to our competitors free of charge. In our eyes, its a win-win.
Here are some facts to prove it:
o Arbor has diverted 70 million pounds of carpet fiber from landfills in their Colorado, Texas and Florida markets.
o Arbor has installed 6,300 square yards of carpet in one day, enough carpet to cover every square foot of the White House.
o In 2010, Arbor installed 867, 287 square yards of carpet, enough carpet to cover Sports Authority Field at Mile High 4.5 times.
Want to learn more about how our recycling efforts can help your business? We encourage you to visit our Homepage and learn more about our committment to helping our clients be more sustainable, one room at a time!
Everyday Green:
Arbor made a commitment to green products and processes long before it ever became popular. In addition to our carpet recycling initiative and the Infinity Collection, a 100% recyclable carpet line, we carry eco-friendly thinking throughout every facet of our business.
o We recycle all carpet padding and carpet tubes when possible.
o Our patented SmartFloor cuts down on the amount of carpet needed in certain installations.
o Instead of using a petrochemical-based sealer, we use Liquid Live Bacteria. It's a safe, non-toxic digestant that is more effective and benign to the environment in neutralizing organic waste.
o We use a water filtration system instead of bottled water.
o Recycling efforts go beyond our carpet waste. Arbor is committed to being sustainable in every aspect of our business. We utilize the latest in energy efficient equipment, recycle our paper, and much more.
o We continue to value and explore eco-friendly practices through participation in the US Green Build Council and its conferences, as well as the CARE network.
Exciting things to come in the way of sustainable measurment for our current and future clients. Want to know what the carpet we save means to you and your community? Well soon you will have some great custom data to share with your residents and staff.
Ask your local rep to learn more!
Arbor Carpet Inc Services:
We are the company you need:
Because our clients' needs come first, Arbor offers a comprehensive menu of services to take care of any and all flooring needs. Better yet, we bring added value by thoroughly understanding your business. We know that it's more expensive to replace carpet than what is typically held for a security deposit. By specifying
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